Date syrup – uses & benefits

Date Syrup

Date syrup has many properties and very high nutritional value. Consumption of this juice for breakfast provides energy for the day.

Nature of date syrup :

The nature of date juice is hot and dry, and the best way to use it for all temperaments is to boil the juice with vinegar and use “juice vinegar”.

Properties of date syrup:

Vitamins in date syrup

Date juice contains protein, natural sugar, minerals and vitamins such as B1, B2, B3 and B5, as well as A1 and C, which you no longer need multivitamins. These juices contain natural sugars such as glucose, sucrose and fructose and are a good choice for snacks. Date juice to provide energy to the body: Date juice is energizing and its consumption provides energy to the body. Consumption of this juice increases the learning power of children and students.

Therapeutic cases of date syrup

Date syrup to treat constipation:

The fiber in date juice makes it laxative and facilitates the excretion process. Date juice for gastrointestinal health: Consumption of date juice increases the activity of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and is beneficial for gastrointestinal health.

Date syrup for the treatment of night blindness:

Due to its carotenoid and vitamin A content, date juice prevents night blindness, which is associated with symptoms such as dry eyes and an increased risk of infection, and strengthens eyesight.

Date syrup makes labor easier:

Eating date juice during pregnancy opens the cervix and facilitates the process of childbirth and delivery.

Date syrup for the treatment of anemia:

Date juice is rich in iron and folic acid and helps to treat and treat anemia. Folate in dates is hematopoietic, so it is very useful for pregnant women. The natural iron in date juice increases red blood cells.

Other therapeutic uses

Date juice to relieve fatigue and weakness:

Date juice is rich in B vitamins and is useful for nerve balance, relieving fatigue and weakness. Magnesium and phosphorus in date juice strengthen nerve cells and keep the head alive.

Date syrup for weight gain:

If you are underweight and want to gain weight, use date juice. Date juice is high in calories and daily consumption causes obesity.

Date syrup suitable for skin:

Date juice contains vitamins C and D, which are very useful for the elastic properties of your skin and make the skin smoother. Date juice has anti-aging properties and prevents the accumulation of melanin in the body. But the nature of date juice is warm and if it is mixed with other warmths such as flour, it will cause skin pimples.

Date syrup to increase sexual potency:

Consumption of date syrup is very useful for increasing sexual potency. The abundant nutrients in date juice increase sexual stamina in the body.

Date syrup to increase hair growth:

Date juice is rich in iron and increases blood circulation under the skin and helps strengthen hair follicles and increases hair growth.

Date syrup to strengthen and strengthen bones:

Due to its calcium and magnesium, date juice strengthens bones. Date juice has anti-inflammatory properties and is useful for people with arthritis and arthritis, and is effective in relieving joint pain and rheumatic pain.

Blood cholesterol lowering date syrup:

Date juice is low in fat and has no cholesterol, so with its controlled consumption, you can enjoy its sweetening benefits and finally control your cholesterol.

Protein-rich date syrup:

Date juice is rich in protein that helps maintain muscles and muscles. If you exercise, use date juice to provide your protein before exercise to provide your body with the desired calories with beneficial protein.

How to consume date juice: Some people consume date juice for breakfast, which is very energetic. Consumption of date juice as a snack is very useful. Some people use date juice instead of sugar in cooking halva. Date juice is a good substitute for sugar due to its nutrients, fiber and antioxidants. It is one of the common eating habits of the people of many cities such as Arak, Hamedan, Tabriz, Ardabil and eating “rice milk with juice”, “snow with juice”, “milk with juice” and “ardeh with juice” in winter.

Method of preparing date syrup:

Date syrup is prepared in two industrial and traditional ways:

Industrial method of preparing date juice: In the industrial method of date juice with the help of water and heat, soluble solids in fully ripe fruit juice of different cultivars of date palm called Phoenix dactylifera from the Palmacea family are obtained. Traditional method of preparing date juice: Boiling method (hot method): • Dates are poured into open pots and water is added according to its weight. The mixture of water and dates is heated to dissolve the juice in water. • When the juice reaches the desired concentration, strain the mixture and pour the juice into plastic containers or metal cans. 2- Preparation of juice in cement pools (cold method): • In ponds that are 1 to 1.5 meters above the ground, dates are dropped. • Due to the force of weight, the dates are pressed together and juice is extracted from a hole in the bottom of the pond and collected.

3 – Production of date juice by mat: Put the dates in a wicker basket made of date leaves. Date juice comes out of the mat pores due to the pressure of the dates on each other. Disadvantages of preparing date juice Date juice in the traditional way: Hygienic principles are not observed in production and packaging. The product is unsuitable and dark in color. Production efficiency is low. The concentration of date juice is low. The taste of the juice is not suitable due to the presence of unwanted minerals in it. Acidity: The allowable acidity range of date juice is 1.3-3.5% of acidity in terms of acetic acid.

Date juice color: The color of date juice is clear and is obtained under natural and healthy conditions.

Everything you need to know about date syrup

Sugar resistance:

At 4 ° C, date syrup should not be sugared for at least 48 hours.

Date syrup packaging:

This product can be packaged in jars, cans and all kinds of food packaging in the shaped container.

Precautions of date syrup:

It is harmful for diabetics, but its low consumption is not a problem due to its natural sugars. Date juice has a warm nature and according to what moist health has explained, combining it with hot food is harmful for hot tempers because it causes their bile to thicken and pimples on the face and body. It is harmful for obese and sedentary people because it has a high percentage of calories, so if you do not exercise, by eating this nutrient, obesity and its side effects will surely await you.

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