Tarooneh syrup

Tarooneh syrup

Taroone syrup

The spring flowers and blossoms of the palm tree are called, all parts of the palm tree can be used by humans. Its trunk is used in construction, and the palm trunk used in the construction of the roof or columns, about 300 It stays healthy for 500 years. In the middle of the palm trunk, there is a crisp and milky kernel that is sweet and astringent, and it is called palm cheese or date palm kernel, and it is very nutritious and expensive. At the beginning of spring, when the palm blossoms, the blossoms – which are called taroneh / taroneh – are arranged and taroneh sweat is prepared from it, which is as useful and healing as other liqueurs. Taroneh sweat is tonic, warm and good for the heart. The date palm is also male and female and is pollinated by the same webs.

Therapeutic properties of taarone and taarone syrup

This plant is used to strengthen sexual power • If you suffer from insomnia, sleep is effective. If mixed with orange spring sweat, it becomes a strong hypnotic Taro is a nerve tonic It also relieves rheumatism and joint pain Tarone is tonic for the heart • It also strengthens the stomach Relieves depression • It is effective in eliminating jaundice • It strengthens the blood • Repels excess body moisture

How to use Taaroneh syrup

Taaroneh syrup is prepared from the pods of flowers and palm blossoms. The pods of the palm flower, which has a pleasant smell, are boiled in a pot and its steam is turned into a liquid and tasted as a drink. Taaroneh syrup production has recently flourished and does not have a long history. Use this sweat three times a day, at the rate of one tablespoon in a third of a cup of water after each meal. In case of using chemical drugs, it should be taken for two hours before the chemical drug. If you use taarooneh syrup without any additives, it is more effective, otherwise mix it with honey or sugar and use it as a delicious and tonic syrup. Tip: Keep taaroone syrup in a cool place away from direct sunlight.

Consumption period:

Eat continuously for forty days, then do not use for fifteen days and give your body a rest. And then start a new course of use.

Taaroneh syrup for pregnancy

Traditional doctors have considered the use of tarooneh  syrup to be useful for pregnancy if both men and women use it. It is better to use it three times a day after menstruation and before ovulation. In fact, this sweat eliminates ovarian laziness. And strengthens ovulation Also, another prescription for male infertility is recommended to use 1 glass of Taroneh syrup with a tablespoon of natural honey jam for 40 nights. This plant increases sperm production and male hormones.

Height increase

To increase height, you need a mixture of:

Taroneh powder 3 g Mushroom powder 5 g Royal Jelly 10 g Fenugreek 5 g The heart of the date tree is 10 grams of barley powder Date kernel powder 5 grams of natural honey and cedar Mix and use 2 tablespoons twice a day before going to bed at night and after waking up.

Antimicrobial properties of taaroneh

Scientists have discovered the antimicrobial properties of Phoenix Dactylifera extract against pathogenic bacteria by testing the effect of this extract on molds that are effective in spoilage. Taronea extract was inhibitory and antimicrobial against Bacillus cereus, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus as well as Trichoderma, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oriza. The result of the presented research was that Taroneh extract inhibits the growth of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria in food. Therefore, it can be recommended as a preservative and natural flavoring compound in food products.

Disadvantages of taaroneh

Pregnant and lactating women should not use People with high blood pressure should consult a doctor. People with palpitations should not use Taroneh syrup. Other properties of taaroneh

Taroneh protein content is less than 2%, fat content is less than 0.5%. Taroneh contains 6-8% fiber and 1.8% minerals. The very high potassium content is remarkable. The content of iron and zinc is also high compared to other fruits. Important folic acid is present in taro. Light Deglett weighs about 8 grams, so it contains about 25 kcal. For endurance athletes such as runners, climbers or climbers, Taroneh is an ideal food for travel, as it provides energy very quickly and compensates for the most important mineral losses. We hope you find the Taaroneh properties useful.

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